Sunday, March 29, 2009

Healthy Eating Not So Easy...

Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house at the University of Oklahoma has made eating healthy a difficult task.

Girls who live at Theta find the abundance of available "junk food" difficult to over look when making healthy food choices.

The Theta members are hoping to see a change in their menu.

"It gets really frustrating when you try your hardest to be health concious but it is made almost impossible to do that because of the food you are offered," says Allie Simpson, Kappa Alpha Theta member. "Especially when we are the ones paying for the food."

The Theta house has recently hired a new cook and are already seeing some improvements to their menu. They are hoping that their suggestions to the new cook will soon be seen in their kitchen.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

 The crowded Huston Huffman is the place on campus to be these day.  Students are taking advantage of the Huff with only two weeks till spring break.
Photo taken by Kelsey Pennell

Spring Break Bodies

The Huston Huffman at the University of Oklahoma is extra crowded recently due to students trying to get in shape for spring break in two weeks.

Students wanting to work out at the gym are going to be competing with other students for treadmills, elliptical machines, and other workout machines.

The over crowded Huffman is making an impact on student's normal work out schedules.

"I use to come in the late afternoon or evening to work out, but now I have to come in the early morning if I want to be guaranteed a treadmill," said advertising junior, Jessica Shadid.  

Normally after spring break the gym is not as crowded so there is still hope for students who work our religiously year round.